Revealing Secret Badges on Stashh!

After months of work, Secret Badges are finally coming to Stashh. What are they? What can they unlock for users and creators? Read on, Stashhers!

Revealing Secret Badges on Stashh!

Greetings, Stashhers! 💎

Today we’re excited to reveal one of the next products to launch on Stashh: Secret Badges (or sBadges). We’ve leveraged the unique properties of Secret Network to create a new kind of powerful NFT primitive that we hope to see globally adopted - not just on Stashh, not only on Secret Network, but across all of Web3!

How can you get your own sBadges - or issue them? Read on…

What Are sBadges?

sBadges are collectable digital assets that are issued as unique NFTs on Secret Network. Because they are "secret" and privacy-preserving by default, sBadges are much more powerful than NFTs on other blockchains. sBadges can represent digital mementos, exclusive content, recognition of achievements, digital entry passes, or anything else you can imagine - all without compromising the privacy of the owner or the privacy of the badge itself.

sBadges are unique for two main reasons: they have private ownership by default, and they can contain private metadata (in addition to public metadata). That means you get to choose when, how, and with whom you share your sBadges - including their contents. Owners and creators have all the control and programmability they need to build super-powered new use cases for NFTs!

These unique properties unlock hundreds of use cases that wouldn’t be possible on other L1 blockchains - not only for proving your attendance of events or support of creators, but also for building complex mechanisms that allow you to manage identity and reputation in a decentralized ecosystem. Secret Network is the perfect blockchain for implementing and scaling these use cases.

That’s because privacy is essential for NFTs - and for sBadges in particular.

Don’t take our word for it - here’s what WIRED had to say on the issue:

“If a user ties an NFT to any part of their online or IRL identity—say by using an NFT as a profile picture on Twitter or maintaining a profile on an NFT marketplace—it becomes trivially easy to find out what else their wallet has been up to…

While knowing who bought which JPEG might not seem like a major deal, it becomes a critical issue as crypto advocates push the idea of using NFTs for home ownership, medical records, and social media. A single wallet—or even a network of wallets that are not adequately obfuscated—could act as a giant bucket of personal data that not only can't be kept private, but can't be deleted from the blockchain.”

While the above statements are true for every other blockchain, Secret Network is a unique blockchain that is private by default for applications - including NFTs. That means sBadges enable awesome use cases without compromising user privacy, and they also introduce a native access control layer for NFT data.

So what kinds of use cases are we talking about?

Imagine claiming your sBadge after attending a gig - either in the physical world or in the metaverse - and then unlocking the private metadata of your sBadge to get access to an exclusive track plus artwork from the band. Because it's an sBadge, only you get to hear the music and see the art. At the same time, you can use the same sBadge to access a special backchannel only for concert attendees - all without ever needing to reveal the sBadge or your wallet!

That’s just scratching the surface, of course. We see applications for sBadges (and Secret NFTs more generally) across DAOs, events, the arts, content monetization, community engagement, membership, identity, reputation, finance, gaming, legal, and so much more…

What Now?

So the idea of sBadges sounds pretty great, but you probably need a team of cryptographers and developers to set it all up, right? Nope! sBadges can be created, claimed, managed, and viewed directly on Stashh with zero technical knowledge for free. If you can think of a use case, it can be implemented.

Get in touch with the Stashh team if you think you’ve got a brilliant idea for your own sBadge - or if you just want to learn more:

Meanwhile, join the Stashh Discord for more announcements about how and when sBadges will go live - including how to claim your very first sBadge. Who knows what might be inside your sBadge?!

We believe sBadges and Secret NFTs are the future of Web3 reputation, experience, ownership, and so much more. Introducing programmable privacy to the NFT world is expanding what's possible to build by 100x or more. The only limitation is our imagination as creators and collectors. So let's go make and collect some sBadges together!

~ The Stashh Team 💎
