Dynamic Content Is Now Live on Stashh!

Create subscriptions, handle pre-releases, reward event-goers and much more using our latest feature - dynamic content that makes your Secret NFTs updatable!

Dynamic Content Is Now Live on Stashh!

Greetings, Stashhers! đź’Ž

Today we’re excited to announce the launch yet another powerful product on Stashh: Dynamic Content.

What this means in a nutshell: creators can now indicate they want to update assets after creation, allowing them to push an immediate update to every holder of their Secret NFT or Secret Badge! It’s like sending a broadcast out to everyone who’s minted from your collection, turning their NFTs into mini-receivers.

Above: a look at publishing a badge with updatable metadata and media files.

One awesome use case for this feature is the ability to create Secret Subscriptions. For example, a creator can launch a Secret Badge collection that gets minted by their existing audience, using claim codes that are only active for a short period of time. After the mint is closed, they can push new updates to every sBadge with new media or links only decryptable by the sBadge holders!

Use Dynamic Content to handle Pre-Releases - collectors buy your NFT like a pre-order, then when release day comes around you just push the drop out to all NFT holders and they get it just like magic.

Running an event? Perfect! Attendees can claim their sBadge on the day then you can add exclusive content like recordings and videos afterwards.

You could even add new content as the NFT crosses specific sales thresholds to deliver on your roadmap. The possibilities are endless…

As usual, all of this can be done directly from Stashh without the need to write any code at all!

Dynamic Content is a contract level feature, so it’s available now on all collections created since the updated contract was deployed at the beginning of August that have the “Allow me to update assets after they are created/minted” flag turned on. If you have a collection created before the start of August, you will need to create a new one to access the feature.

As usual, if you have any questions or feedback you can reach out to us on our Discord chat.stashh.io or on Twitter @StashhApp.

We can’t wait to see what you do with Dynamic Content!
