Community Drops are LIVE for Stashh Badges!

You can now set up a Stashh Badge claim or a random giveaway for Twitter followers, whitelisted Discord users, or the owners of a particular NFT collection on any blockchain - with ZERO code!

Community Drops are LIVE for Stashh Badges!

Gm Stashhers, and a special shout-out to all the creators out there 🎨

Have you ever wanted to set up a badge claim or random giveaway for your loyal Twitter followers, or a focused list of Twitter or Discord users? Or maybe set up a claim for owners of a specific collection on any blockchain? Wouldn't it be great if you could include encrypted content only visible to the owner? And what if all of this required ZERO code? 🤔

You can now do all of this, and more, right on Stashh! 💎

Now, anyone can incentivize or reward their community with a special NFT drop 👯 Each NFT is encrypted, so only the owner will know what you’ve shared. You can also set up your drops to include random rarities, random traits, and other customizability.

We’re excited to report that you’ll soon be able to set up a claim for other social networks, including YouTube, and for collection owners from new L1 blockchains as well 🤐

Setting Up a Claim as a Creator

Setting up a claim can be done in four simple steps:

  1. Create a Collection
  2. Create a Badge or Gumball Machine
  3. Set up a Claim Mechanism
  4. Deploy 🚀

You can watch a walkthrough of the entire process from start to finish below 📺

Read on to learn how to set up a claim for your Twitter followers, a whitelist of Twitter and Discord users, or the owners of an NFT collection. This article focuses on setting up a claim for a Stashh Badge, but you can also use these same steps to set up a claim for a Gumball Machine!

Be sure to refer to the Stashh Docs if you need more information on any of the features we describe below.

But first… What is a Stashh Badge?

We're glad you asked! Stashh Badges are privacy-preserving digital collectibles on Secret Network. They can represent digital mementos, exclusive content, recognition of achievements, digital entry passes, or anything else you can imagine.

These Badges are more powerful than other digital collectibles on other blockchains. They allow for private or public ownership, meaning the owner can choose to display their Badge to others or not. They also allow for private or public content, meaning that Badges can have hidden content inside them.

Learn more about Badges in our documentation here.

Okay… What is a Gumball Machine?

We’re happy to tell you! Gumball Machines 🎰 are basically random digital collectable dispensers. Creators load assets into the machine, then collectors claim a random item from the pool.

To learn more about creating a Gumball Machine on Stashh, check out this link.

How to set up a claim for Twitter followers

After creating a Collection and Badge, you can now navigate to the asset page and find the Setup Claim Mechanisms option. Clicking this button will open a popup window with several tabs. To allow your Twitter followers to claim your badge, select the Social Media tab, then choose Setup Social Claim Mechanism.

Ensure that the My Twitter Followers option is selected. Then, enable the toggle next to the Twitter option. Once enabled, you will be able to choose a date and time for your followers to claim their reward. When you're ready, don't forget to Save Social Changes 😆

And that's it! Share the link to your Badge or Gumball Machine with your Twitter followers so they can claim one free mint. To claim, they’ll just need to setup a Stashh profile with their Twitter account linked.

How to set up a claim for whitelisted Twitter or Discord users

To set up a claim for a specific list of users, select either the Twitter Users or Discord Users option within the Social Media tab.

Download the spreadsheet and add your list to the template. Then, upload the file back to Stashh and voilà! You can share a link to the badge with your community so they can claim it.

How to set up a claim for collection owners

Last but certainly not least, now you have the option to allow owners of a specific collection to claim a badge right on Stashh! To do so, go to the badge's asset page, select the Setup Claim Mechanisms option, and then choose the Collection Ownership tab.

We currently support the following blockchains: Secret Network, Ethereum, Polygon, and Solana. More are on the way 🤫

To select a collection that resides on Secret Network, simply search for the name in the search bar and select it. Your selection will appear below the search bar.

If the collection is not on Secret Network, search for and select the collection using its contract address.

Don't forget to save when you're done! All that's left to do is share the link to the Badge or Gumball Machine with your community so they can claim it 🛄

Learn how to create a Collection here, a Badge here, and a Gumball Machine here.

Ready? Set? Claim!

Thanks for reading this far! We are excited to introduce these new ways to connect with your community and look forward to hearing how you will use these new tools.

Our team is always looking for ways to improve your experience at Stashh, and we welcome your comments. As usual, if you have any questions or feedback you can reach out to us on our Discord or on Twitter @StashhApp.

Happy Stashhing! 💎