Announcing Stashh Search: Finding the Next NFT Star!

The Stashh community and team are trying to discover the next Beeple, but we can’t do it alone…

Announcing Stashh Search: Finding the Next NFT Star!

Hey there Stashhers! 💎

First off: wow, there’s a lot more of you! We’ve seen a ton of growth lately, and we’re proud to share we’ve recently passed 100,000 Secret Badge claims 🤯 People have been loving Stashh of the Day, our latest effort to help collectors discover great creators and build connections. Now we need your help to keep our momentum going!

Today we are thrilled to announce our first creator contest: Stashh Search, launching Monday, November 28th. The Stashh community and team are trying to discover the next Beeple - or Beeples 😅 But we can’t do it alone…

In Phase 1, you’ll help us find great creators and get rewarded 🤑 In Phase 2, we’ll start narrowing down the field in hopes of finding the very best NFT artists in the world - from any ecosystem.

These recurring contests will be designed to bring more awareness to creators and their work, as well as provide opportunities for collectors to shill their favorite creators our way. Don’t worry, we’ll make sure it’s beneficial for both sides. Read on to learn more about our first creator contest, how to participate, and what’s in it for you. Let’s work together to shine a light on the best talent out there 🔦

For our first contest, collectors will work together to scour the entire web3 universe to find great creators and bring them to fame. When we say the “entire web3 universe”, we mean every blockchain and any creator - let’s not leave a chain (or stone) unturned! It’s up to us to find the next great creator and bring them the attention that they deserve 🌟

Phase 1: Tagging

We’re using some good ol’ fashioned crowdsourcing from our Stashh community to help us find hidden talent - the diamonds in the rough 💎 This means we need YOU!

Starting Monday, November 28th we’ll post a Tweet each day for three days: the 28th, 29th, and 30th of November. The Tweet will ask you to reply and:

  1. Tag a creator that you’ve discovered in your NFT journey who you think is worthy of more attention
  2. Link the creator’s collection wherever it is located (OpenSea, Rarible, Stargaze, Stashh, etc.)

We encourage you to use the #stashhsearch hashtag!

And that’s it! Pretty easy, right?

Oh, one more thing: we’re giving away cash just for tagging your favorite artists 🤑 If you are the first to tag a creator that the judges choose for the Voting Round, you’ll win $100 and Stashh Gems that you can use on our platform! Not a bad deal just for shilling us your favorite creator 😆 If enough artists get tagged, we’ll even bump up the prize pool for taggers 📈

At the end of this phase, a panel of judges at Stashh will choose their favorites. Then, we’ll transition to the voting phase!

Phase 2: Voting

Our team will work with the creators that will be featured in this round and create a special collection that will allow the entire community to cast their votes right on Stashh! We are purposely leaving some details around this phase vague for the moment (we want the focus to be on finding the best artists first!), but all will be revealed before the voting phase begins…

The winning creators will all receive a cash prize as a part of Stashh Search - and there’s something in it for collectors too 🤑

  1. First place: $1,000
  2. Second place: $750
  3. Third place: $500

Phase 3: ???

Stay tuned 🤫

Terms and Conditions

  1. Creators can tag themselves and their collection to submit themselves to the contest - in fact, we encourage this!
  2. Creator‘s Twitter account must have less than 15,000 followers - we’re looking for artists in need of more exposure.
  3. No PFP collections - but maybe in a future contest…
  4. Only tag one creator and collection per tweet
  5. Submitter must follow Stashh Twitter account (
  6. 3 ‘entries’ per person, per day. You can tag up to three different creators per day, meaning you get nine total entries.
  7. Your daily submissions must be a reply to the original tweet from Stashh that day
  8. If two people suggest the same creator, the person who tags the creator first is the one we count. (But don’t worry, if you weren’t first, it won’t count against your per-day submission limits - so try again!)

Let the Search Begin!

This is just the first of a few creator contests that we’ll roll out as we search for the best talent throughout all ecosystems and unlock the potential of Secret NFTs. Thank you for participating - we can’t wait to see the artists and creators you help us discover!

Our team is always looking for ways to improve your experience at Stashh, and we welcome your comments. As usual, if you have any questions or feedback you can reach out to us on our Discord or on Twitter @StashhApp.
