Announcing: Gumball Machines!

Gumball machines are a powerful new way to launch primary collections - and we’ve already onboarded our first partner! Read on to learn more...

Announcing: Gumball Machines!

Greetings, Stashhers! 💎

Today we’re excited to the launch of our latest product on Stashh: Gumball Machines!

Gumball machines represent a powerful new way to launch primary collections - and we’ve already onboarded our first partner! Read on to learn how to mint using the gumball machine, and how you can launch your own collection… 🍬

Gumball Machines, like gumballs themselves, are a pretty simple concept. Just like the real world version where you insert a coin into a machine and receive a random flavour of gumball, the Stashh Gumball Machine takes a bunch of NFTs and dispenses them randomly to collectors who send tokens to the contract.

This is how most primary collections launch on every blockchain: via a random mint that doesn’t prioritize any individual collector over any other. That means anyone minting using the Gumball Machine could be getting an ultra-rare Secret NFT - or one containing a one-of-a-kind secret 🤫

This is also a very popular and often-requested feature for collection creators! Creators can now launch collections where assets are fairly distributed to buyers without needing to write a smart contract, or any code at all. The process is also fully customizable, supporting private pre-minting, public minting events, whitelisted sales, and more.

Stashh does all of this fully on-chain thanks to the unique programmable privacy features of Secret Network. Full on-chain randomization ensures that everyone who buys from one of our Gumball Machines has an equal chance of getting any of the NFTs inside it. There is no way to predict which one will be sold next by looking at the chain, and no off-chain black-boxes that can be tampered with!

Simple, right? So it’s time to get hands on!

Our first Gumball Machine collection partner, Department 77: Echo MK1 launched on Stashh earlier today. We’ve been working closely with the Department 77 team to refine the Gumball Machine after they migrated from the Terra ecosystem earlier this year. We’re incredibly grateful for their feedback - and excited for yours!

What Now?

Gumball Machines, like Secret Badges and Secret NFTs can be created and managed on Stashh with zero technical knowledge. If you can think of a use case, it can be implemented!

Get in touch with the Stashh team on Discord if you’ve got questions about Gumball Machines, or go right ahead and apply to launch your collection on Stashh.

Meanwhile, join the Stashh Discord for more announcements about upcoming Gumball Machine mints, new Secret Badges, and more.

Introducing programmable privacy to the NFT world via easy to use point-and-click tooling is expanding what's possible by 100x or more. The only limitation is our imagination as creators and collectors. So let’s go get some gumballs! 🍬

~ The Stashh Team 💎
